
Monday, May 14, 2012

Christian women and voting

 I choose to vote, because my husband is in agreement with my vote. Would I be ok with it if tomorrow, women were not allowed to vote? Sadly, yes. I say sadly because feminism runs rampant, and feminist views which are far from God and family are as common as cockroaches. Why would women want "rights" that allow them to do things that are not in agreement with their Godly husbands? This is the kind of thing that has led to the rise of feminism, abortion and the demise of the family unit. I am not drug around by the brain by my husband. He doesn't "order me around", because he doesn't have to. He is led by the Lord, as am I, so I already know the path that we are on, and as such, I don't have to be told what to do. I already know. There have been times in which my husband and I have been in disagreement, and after discussion, he realized that I had shed light on things that he hadn't considered. The final decisions are his, but he asks for my wisdom and input, as I ask for his. This is because we are as one flesh in Christ, from the day God joined us together. I'm not a whipping boy at home, or treated as a child - I am his partner, friend, lover and helpmeet. I am his wife. Our political views are the same, therefore, I vote. Our home, actions and votes are decided by our beliefs as Christians. If my husband and I were in political disagreement, I would not vote, as this would dishonor my husband, and I won't do that; however, with my eyes on God, along with my husband's, we choose to live this way, knowing that if we trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding, but in ALL our way, acknowledge Him - he will direct our paths. And with that path, so goes the vote.  Another thing - giving up your right to vote is not the same thing as choosing not to vote. And a person who chooses not to vote DOES INDEED still have the right to complain about politics, government or anything else if they wish. There is nothing in the Constitution that says that you lose your first amendment right to free speech if you choose not to vote. That is commonly parroted drivvel from people who disagree, but can only use other people's quotes and snappy comebacks, rather than putting meat to their arguments.

1Timothy 5:14 - I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.

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